18 September 2013

I Am The Worst!

Hello there!

I am legit the worst blogger ever!
I haven't updated in like a month :L I am so so so sorry, I have been very busy with life here in Middle Earth and whatnot. Ok, so to begin with I do have some update coming up this week or so and I am also going to be completely re-creating this blog eventually with all the same content and name but this one is getting very disorganised and stuff so yea.

So at the moment I am sick and not really having a good time. I have been busy with school, as I had my mock exams for the past week and that was very busy with studying and all, because I actually tried to achieve this year, unlike last. I have been busy preparing my art board which is due in like 4 weeks or something, i am hopig for Excellence. I also really want to start selling my art, which I will most likely do off the blog or something like that.

I also want to start doing proper posts that i plan and stuff like that, which will definately be more appealing to people also, but again I am so sorry for not updating I have just had a busy last few weeks :l


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