24 June 2013

30 Things I Hate Tag!

So yesturday I did a 50 Facts About Me Tag today I am doing the 30 Things I Hate Tag! Enjoy!

Day 1: Something you hate that people on Tumblr post: Anything by crazy fangirls 

Day 2: A television show that you hate: Coronation Street (If you dont know what it is you're very lucky)

Day 3: A song that you hate: Anything by Taylor Swift, Bieber or One Direction.

Day 4: A class that you hated taking: Um. At the moment Maths or History.

Day 5: A meme that you hate: Don't really have one tbh.

Day 6: A political belief that you hate: Fascism and some elements of both Communism & Nationalism

Day 7: A character, person, or relationship on your favorite show that you hate: Howard and Bernadette from Big Bang Theory their relationships weird.

Day 8: A question that you hate being asked: On Facebook when people ask "wuu2?" it annoys me :L

Day 9: A commercial that you hate: The car ad with the suicidal cat.

Day 10: Something that you have to do, but you hate doing it: How messy I am.

Day 11: A book that you hated reading in school: Um,I love reading and all the books I've read I end up enjoying but 'To Kill A Mockingbird' was a huge let down.

Day 12: A personality type that you hate: Egotistic personalities

Day 13: Something that you hate about yourself: My very pasty skin colour and the rest of my families tan or darker than me (which isn't hard) 

Day 14: A famous person that you hate: Taylor Swift or Tom Cruise

Day 15: Something that everyone else loves but you hate: My optimism....

Day 16: One of your biggest pet peeves, that you just hate! People who whistle or hum at random times, my death glare comes out.

Day 17: A music genre that you hate: Top 40

Day 18: Something that you hate about your school: Most people and the uniform.

Day 19: A memory where you recall hating someone more than you ever have: I was like 10 and this girl came to our school from Australia and she spread so many rumours about me. She turned my friends against me and what not. She left about 2 months after. The thing I remember most is that she came to school in hysterical tears because her dog had a cold.

Day 20: A movie that you hate: The Titanic, so much more expectation.

Day 21: Something that people wear that you hate: Snapbacks.

Day 22: A food that you hate: Bananas, cereal and sushi.

Day 23: Something that you hated when you were a kid: When people had more Barbies or Bratz dolls than I did (by the time I was 9 or 10 I had at least 15 of each)

Day 24: Something that people post on Facebook that you hate: Selfies or drunk pictures :L

Day 25: Something that a lot of people find funny but you hate it: Dry humour.

Day 26: A band/artist that you hate: Does One Direction count?

Day 27: A place that you hate going: School.

Day 28: A word or cliche that people say and you hate it: Sup.

Day 29: Something that you used to hate, but don’t hate it so much anymore: Many things, mostly bands and music genres.

Day 30: The thing that you hate most! This website and how it puts error lines under my Southern Hemisphere spelling :L 

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