2 July 2013

Just Another Questionnaire

Hi there everyone! How are yah? Anyway all these tags and questionnaire posts seem to be going very well so heres another for yous!

Are you fussy? I would say no.
Do you have any phobias? A couple. Ornithophobia, Coulrophobia and Moronophobia are the main ones for myself. :L
What drives you the most? This question confuses me...
Truth or dare? Ohhh depends...
What freaks you out? Birds!
Do you suffer from OCD? I think I may have very slight OCD but I wouldn't classify myself as having it.
What is your machine? What?
Are you kleptomaniac? Not that I know of.
One piece of clothing you can't live without? Do shoes count? If not jeans! 
What do you do for fun? Many different things. Drawing, watching films,listening to music etc.
Do you have tattoos or piercings? I have ear piercings but I want more and I don't have tattoos but I do want to get some.
Your biggest lesson so far? I don't know,probably self-acceptance for me personally
Are you funny? What’s the funniest thing you have done so far?I would consider myself funny. I LOVE puns and seem to be a very good creator of them.
What are the most important three things in your life? Family. Friends. Happiness
What was the worst lie that you told your parents? Were you ever caught? I don't know :L
Are you a morning person or a night person?Depends if I wake myself up I am a morning person but it depends on when I went to sleep etc.
When was the last time you lied? This morning,to my kitty. I said I'd feed it and I didn't #Rebel
If you find that your best friend is cheating on his girlfriend, what would you do? I don't know I would probably not know until I was actually in that situation.
What was the most dangerous or most challenging thing that you have ever done? No idea,but personally I'm not to much of a risk taker. 
Who should be the dominating person in a relationship- the guy or the girl? Why? I think it depends on the relationship, I mean either can be it depends on the persons nature.
What is your opinion on open relationships? I personally don't have anything against it,unless the person you were in the open relationship with wanted something more serious.
If you won a million dollars in a lottery, what would you do with it? No idea!
Do you have any enemies? How do you handle them? Nope, I don't.
Do you ever feel the need to have total privacy? If yes, when? Well, I like privacy most of the time but it depends who I am around and stuff like that.
Do you have a deep, dark secret? Who doesn't?
What is one habit of yours that no one knows about? I am actually really clumsy and I can be quite slow at some times, I am also quite messy when I want to be.
Are you in debt? What teenager isn't?
 What is your idea of an ideal mate? I don't know, someone who gets me and understands my sarcasm 
 Are you interested in a commitment? At the moment? Not too much.
 Do you have any health issues? Yeap. Have all my life.
What makes him/her angry and how does he/she deal with his/her anger? I am so confused by this question but if this means me it takes heaps to get me angry.
What are things you like to do alone? Read, relax etc.
If you have to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My awkwardness and slight shyness.
How long have you been speed dating? When did I start?
What according to you is your most treasured possession? I have no idea. I really couldn't decide.
Which is the best book you have read so far? I've read too many good books to decide
Are you a gaming freak? In some aspects yes. I have played some games that I become really hooked to and then all I do is want to play (The Last Of Us is that game atm)
If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be? "Can't Hug Every Cat"
Are you good at imitating others? Nope.

So thats it for tonight! Ill be posting again tomorrow!

Moya <3

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