22 July 2013

Day At Whiti Farm!

So yesturday (21st July) my nan treated my two younger cousins, Ryan, 12, and Dylan, 6, to an afternoon at this really awesome farm attraction! Its name Whiti Farm Park and it was the home to many different both common and exotic farm animals!

As we entered we were greeted by a little sheep dog named Treacle and two tiny little poodles! They were beautiful and as we stepped into the main office we found a grey parrot, a bearded dragon, 6 red eyed turtles, a Mexican walking fish, a tiny baby bunny and obviously the farm keeper!

So my goals at this park were to feed a llama and an alpaca which I achieved as I stepped through the door to the farm. Here I also feed a little wallaby, a goat and even a fallow deer that I nicknamed Bambi :3 Also a really awesome thing I achieved was feeding 3 emus and 2 ostriches which was really weird and a lot gentler than I thought (their feathers are also very soft). I cuddled with some La Perm kitties (which are pure breed cats that look like curly-furred rag doll cats). We were also guided around the park with a boarder collie named Storm who was super adorable and stayed with us even though there were other families at the park.

However, the best part of this trip was meeting the Australian White and Yellow cockatoo named Smiley, who I have claimed as my pet away from home, he was awesome! Cockatoos are my favourite birds and that is the closest encounter I have ever had with one and he was so beautiful :3 So I met him while he was stuck in a tree and some people were trying to get him to come down, eventually he got a bit afraid and sort of flew or stumbled out of the tree and onto a chair. From here I went up to him and started talking to him and after about a half hour or so he decided to go onto my arm!

All in all that day was super awesome and I achieved many things I hadn't before! I highly recommend that if you're ever in the Coromandel  area or headed that way to definately go there!

Moya xxx

Heres some pics of the day!

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