1 July 2013

Life Story Questions!

Ok so hi guys! I promised an update so here I am. I am doing the 50 Best Life Story Questions, as my previous tags have become quite popular. I hope everyone enjoys them!

  1. If you could do one thing over in your life, what would it be? I don't know, I know this may sound strange but I regret leaving dancing. It took up my whole childhood and then I stopped it seemed like I lost all I had earned.
  2. What makes  you happy? So much makes me happy, mostly its when I make other people happy, smile or laugh it makes me feel really good!
  3. Looking back on your life, what do you regret? Heaps. Sometimes I wish I hadn't done some of the things I did before High school, I got into the wrong crowd etc and I do regret it and I also lost a lot of friends from it.
  4. What do you believe to be true? Um,I'm not really sure. To me like I said before I believe that self happiness does come from group happiness and other people.
  5. What is the secret to a happy life? Just thinking of everything as a positive, I am a huge optimist and so I just think through everything as a positive and try and get into the best situations for myself
  6. What do you believe happens to us after we die? Ok I am not sure at all, there are so many things that could happen and deciding between them is just impossible.
  7. Who’s had the greatest influence on your life and why? I don't know, I've had huge influence from my parents, my grandmothers and even my siblings. they always support me and ask what I want rather than what they want, which is really cool 'cause I get the freedom and ability to be me.
  8. What are the qualities that you admire in your friends? Honestly, all my friends are so amazing in such different like we are so different but so alike at the same time and all of them are just awesome to be around!
  9. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Accept myself as who I am, like I said before and at the beginning of high school I heavily doubted who I was and tried to act more as people would like to see me rather than how I see myself.
  10. How would you describe yourself? I don't know, I am always a happy person and I am always tired :L I love making people laugh and smile. But I am both really independent but love being around people 
  11. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?  I don't know. Like I could never decide. Gandhi or Buddha would have been amazing people to meet (I'm Buddhist btw) 
  12. What’s important in your life? So much. My family, friends,my self happiness, my morals
  13. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Shop, get some tats, donate heaps to the Auckland Hospice, those guys are just brilliant and everyone there is just amazing!
  14. What’s a secret ambition of yours? I really want to write and publish a book.
  15. Who in your life would you like to thank and for what? So many. My friends, for just accepting me and being so amazing, I love all of you! My mum, shes been our rock for the past year and has taken up the single parent role so well. My grandma for being so strong at the loss of her son  and always protecting and supporting us. So many people!
  16. What principles have guided your life? Be happy. Smile. Think positive. Don't judge too much and to really stay strong and believe in myself.
  17. Where do you find serenity? In happiness but I love yoga and meditating. 
  18. What makes you sad? Hate. Especially homophobes, racists, bullies!
  19. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life? To stay positive and that everything occurs for some reason, which is so true.
  20. How would you like to be remembered? I don't know, obviously people will remember me differently but I want to be remembered in a nice way, thats actually such a difficult question
  21. If you had only one day to live, how would you live it? No idea. I would just try and do as much as I could in that day. Spend it with the people I loved the most.
  22. How would you describe your spiritual beliefs? I am Buddhist and try to live in a calm and happy, healthy lifestyle. 
  23. Who is the most important person in your life today and why? There isn't one person but I would really have to be the most important to myself, as I try and create myself into a neutral being that everyone will get along with in some way
  24. What was the worst job you ever had and why was it so bad? Haven't had one.
  25. What’s your idea of a good time? I don't know. I have heaps of explainations.
  26. What’s wrong with the world? Loads.
  27. What’s one big question you’d like answered? I don't know, it would be way too difficult to decide becausw there is so much I would like to know and see.
  28. What is it that you absolutely couldn’t live without? My family and friends.
  29. How would you describe yourself as a child? Quiet and quite hidden, I liked being alone.
  30. What’s the greatest gift you could give to someone you love? I don't know, what kind of gift? The cliche gift of love should be enough
  31. What does love mean to you? Someone who accepts you for who you are and what you are and even though you may or may not fall out of it they will always recognise those attributes
  32. What was the best job you ever had and why was it the best? Haven't had one.
  33. If you had to evacuate your home immediately and could take only one thing, what would it be and why? I don't know. My computer or hard drive because they have everything, like photos and things on them.
  34. What do you still want to accomplish? To lose more weight, pass level 2 etc.
  35. What’s right with the world? Heaps!
  36. What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself? My awkwardness.
  37. How would you describe your perfect day? Perfect....
  38. What event in your life would you like to live over and why? My dads battle with cancer, just so I could be more prepared and know what I could do to cherish the moments I regret not cherishing now.
  39. What are you avoiding? Failure!
  40. What are your best qualities? I am happy, I would like to think I have a decent sense of humour, I am friendly etc.
  41. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for someone? I don't know.
  42. Who are your heroes and why? I don't really have heroes but I love people like Nelson Mandela,Martin Luther King etc. people who had such low expectations in society but then make such a huge impact in the world.
  43. What are your failings? I personally don't want to go into it.
  44. What’s the kindest thing you’ve done for someone? I couldn't decide, now I try and do a deed of the day, so I aim to do one good thing a day. (Today I gave my friend lunch because she forgot it)
  45. What is more important to you,  challenge or comfort and why?  I like a bit of both, at times I love a good challenge but I feel that in things I'm not good at I tend not to push myself.
  46. How is your home like you? I actually don't know. That's a weird comparison.
  47. If your life were a motion picture, what would the title be? I haven't ever put any consideration into it. Um... 'The Turning Tale of Moya Baker'....IDK
  48. Who in your life would you like to forgive and  for what? I don't know, I live by trying to forgive and forget.
  49. What are the advantages of getting older? You can do so much more! Also you can experience and learn to experience how to live differently to how I can now.
  50. What would you place in a time capsule that would tell a relative 1oo years from now who you were? A letter, a photo album, a couple of my sketch books and then just some of my favourite things
So I hope you guys enjoyed it! Leave comments on things you may or may not want me to do! Im up for suggestions.

Until next time,


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