16 August 2013

Just A Little Look Into My August!

Hey guys!

I think I need to give you guys a name...what about the Explorers! Omg! That's so cuteeee :3 Moya and the Explorers!
So I haven't really done an update blog in a while and everyone may be thinking what my life is up to. So the last time I really did this was in my school break which was 3 weeks ago now, sorry :L

Anyway, the last few weeks I have been really busy with school and internals. If you do NCEA you will know what this is but if not it is assignments and tests for each subject during the course of your school year which do end up helping you for your externals which are the end of year exams. I have had two English internals to hand in 8 essays/stories together. So my last one I handed in today which consisted of 2 creative pieces, which once I get them back I am thinking about opening a blog for my writing and art! I have also been working on my Art Board due in about 9 weeks D: This board consists of 3 briefs, mine being a Double Page Spread, a Bus Stop Poster and a logo, using a art model, I used Supakitch and Koralie (look them up they are awesome!) and work that you have done throughout the year, all that goes onto 2 boards that are A1 in size. I am also currently working on a History internal, Classics internal, Textiles internal and preparing for Mock Exams D; Wish me luck!

 I haven't really brought much this month as I have been busy saving up for two of my close friends birthday,which is soon! (Hey Nigya! You usually read my blog ;D) And also buying their presents and stuff! But I am thinking about a Haul Post about stuff I brought in the holidays and stuff like that!

I have a new hair colour, which isn't really suprising, I do change it quite often, at least 3 or 4 times a year. It is chestnut brown/gingery at the moment. Also Bruce Springstien was announced to come to New Zealand this morning which is just awesome :D Also Imagine Dragons are coming soon and Big Day Out tickets are released soon and PEARL JAM AND THE LUMINEERS WILL BE THERE!!!!!! I die ;.;

Apart from that I haven't really done much, I am however in need to finalise or start to actually think what I want to do when I leave school and what I'll do for Uni which is only a year and a half away! It is stressful, I need to decide on my subjects for next year and how many I want to do. I am very worried, I have no idea what I want to do D:

So how have you guys been? You can leave a comment or contact me.

Moya xxx

Twitter- @MoyaTheExplorer
Email- moyabaker@gmail.com
Polyvore- moyatheexplorer

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